A good time to replace your windows.

When is it a good time to replace your windows.

windows, window installation, racineWhen your remodeling the are or looking for a makeover

While updating your home’s look.  Changing out the the type of window can change the aesthetic and look of the whole home.  Just changing it over from a window that opens and a window that remains closed can make a huge difference and change the air quality in the home.

Historical Home Renovations

Changing windows in historical homes will update the energy efficiency of the home while also allowing the style to remain similar to the older windows it is replacing.  There are many ways to replace a window with an more efficient version if you are able to find a company that can customize the window style for you.

Energy Savings

Drafty windows can cause your energy bills to go up by 25%.  Replacing these windows can reduce your heating and cooling bills and pay for themselves over a couple of years.



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