Window Installation

 Changing out the the type of window can change the aesthetic and look of the whole home.

windows, window installation, racine  Just changing it over from a window that opens and a window that remains closed can make a huge difference and change the air quality in the home.  Replacing the windows in your home is one of the largest and most important home improvement projects you can undertake. Choosing the right windows for your home and your budget are very important as windows are a long term investment and a significant impact on both your home’s value and comfort.

Today, there are a number of high efficiency glass options on the market designed to reduce heat transfer into the home and UV radiation that can fade carpets, furniture, and other items in the home. On a cold day, low-E glass can also prevent the radiant interior heat from escaping through the glass, reducing your home heating bills.

Installing ENERGY STAR qualified windows lowers energy bills and saves you money over single-pane and even new double-paned, clear-glass windows. For a typical home, choose ENERGY STAR and save: $126–$465 a year when replacing single-pane windows. $27–$111 a year over double-pane, clear glass replacement windows.

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